
5 Ways to Get Ready for Pumpkin Season

Let me start with simple statement: I don't like pumpkins, sweet potatoes and turkey. So I guess the Thanksgiving dinner is not the best option for me. I tried and somehow I still not a fan of those Thanksgiving season's specialties. Maybe I'm too 'new' here in the States, and if that's a reason - then I just need more time to get use to it (and that's absolutely ok with me).
Even tho I don't like pumpkins my Facebook friend told me about some fascinating (funny, crazy?) ideas - what you can do with/to a pumpkin, here is a short list:

  • Pumpkin Spice Syrup - you can use to make a (guess what!) Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • Amazing Halloween Jack-O-Lanterns - "Hilarious, artistic, bizarre and remarkable pumpkins carved up for the Halloween season. (link to the video: http://youtu.be/yK8cjzOXwfw )
  • Pumpkin Race - Showing some of the various the participants dress up and decorate their...pumpkins. Ohh and this also shows how fragile pumpkins are as they also sink more often than not :) (here's the link to the video: http://youtu.be/jD-l43E-Mvo )

  • World Championship Punkin Chunkin - celebrating 28 years of flying pumpkins on Nov 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2013. Yes you read it correctly - "flying pumpkins" (here is the link to the video: http://youtu.be/hu5Uk9Wuwhk ) 
  • hundreds if not thousands recipes
  • ohh and one more extra video on what you can do with pumpkin - this time tigers, leopards and lynx destroying pumpkins ;) (here is a link to the video: http://youtu.be/UcT4paZfflg )

What about you? Do you like pumpkin? What about getting ready for "Pumpkin season" ? :)

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