
What Does It Mean to Be Fabulous?

"Just because you are 71 doesn't mean that you passed being able to be good and converse with people, and hold on to a job." says one of the main characters of a British TV documentary called "Fabulous Fashionistas."

The group of six women (from UK) that talk about their lives and fashion. They are older adults but what does that really means? I think it means being fabulous.

No matter the age we can become great and fabulous! 

Here is the link to youtube video:

another comment I heard during the movie that I'm going to remember:
 "People must look at me and think "That poor old (81) woman, who does she think she is? and I don't give a toss."

Just be who you want to be. Don't worry about what other people are going to say...they can say whatever they want ...it's up to you what are you going to do with it.

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