
Too Many Things?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all errands you have to take care of? There is too much and you are not sure how to deal with all of that?
I have been in that place. I thought there are just too much on my plate. And then I realized, or should I say I had "aha moment", that I can help myself. That I can actually try and control what I'm doing and slow but sure use my time wisely.

For last few years I try to have a plan for every day, week, month and general goals for the whole year. Thanks to that it's easier to control what I'm doing and not to feel overwhelmed every 5 min. I am not saying it works every single time but I noticed a big improvement in time management. And that I can do more in less time.

How about you? How you are dealing with a lot of errands? Do you have a secret method and would love to share with others? :)

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