
What's Wrong with Garmin?

So far I was very happy with my Garmin nuvi 1390 LTM GPS device.Little thing but powerful, showing me hot to get to different places. I noticed a year ago that I have some difficulties to update maps but what happened yesterday and today was just too much.

Long story short:
  1. I updated the Garmin application (Garmin Lifetime Updater)
  2. I connected device to my laptop
  3. and...
  4. nothing
My laptop was able to recognize the device for 5 min and then the connection (USB cable) was dropped. After an hour of a connecting/disconnecting fight I was finally able to start updating maps...and after 15min Garmin devise just disconnected by itself and I couldn't switch it on. The update was not finished, the know that the battery was recharged and I have no idea what's wrong!

I really like electronic devices but today Garmin GPS device was NOT on my TOP10 most wanted ;)

tomorrow is a new day - so I'm going to try again. 

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